segunda-feira, 24 de outubro de 2011

Stress- NINGUEM !

        Stress is a very common problem nowadays. It is the name for what happens to your body when you face a problem situation. Your heart bits faster, your pupil becomes bigger, you pay more attention and stay alert.

        It is good for us to avoid dangerous situation, but if it happens over the normal it can be very bad to our health.
        The traffic, the hard work routine and other problems nowadays are making people become stressed for a long period of time.

        Otherwise, there are many soluttions and some of them are natural and they are called alternative treatment.
         Yoga is a good way to put an end to stress and improve your health. It consists in meditation and relaxing and when you do yoga you learn to face your problems in a better way.
        Acupuncture is a good treatment too. It consist in putting needles in strategic spots in your body. It makes you very relaxed, so, with it, you can solve the stress problem.
        So, we concluded that it's true that stress is a huge problem, but there are simple treatments for it. Just relax and see the good size of the things and you will not have to face problems like that.

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