quinta-feira, 17 de março de 2011

My life as Beatriz

  I'm Beatriz ,I'm 15 years old and I study in CFSI (I love the school), Baependi- MG, I live here too, I like living in Baependi because a lot of my friends live here, and always hang out. In Baependi there are beautiful waterfalls (I love the nature too ).  I live with my parents , I have one sister ,who lives in Alfenas, she studying physioterapy at college, I miss her.   In the moment , I'm studying and going out with my friends to partys, walks etc.Nothing interesting... for whill!  I really love animals, I har 3 dogs: Kel, Diat and Tom. I like walking the dogs, and bathing them. I hate people who kill animals!(I think about becoming a vegetarian !)  I like listening to music too. I love rock! Like the : Beatles , Arctic Monkeys, Tokio Hotel, and others.I hear music in my free time, I take my ipod everywhere.My favorite songs are: Let it be (Beatles), Stairway to heaven (Led Zeppelin), Durch den Monsun( Tokio), Teddy Picker( Arctic Monkeys).  But I really like my dogs! I never feel alone with them. However, I love walking them and listening to music!  Well, bye bye.      Kisses :)

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